What Soggy Breadsticks Taught Us About Service and Social ListeningBreadsticks, of all things, were the reason for a huge backlash at the famous Olive Garden chain of restaurants both from customers and…Feb 29, 2020Feb 29, 2020
Minor cut, major lessonsI cut my thumb this morning while dicing apples. Just a teeny-weeny cut, but blood did gush out. Now out of nowhere, two voices arose in…Oct 11, 2019Oct 11, 2019
Published inDataDrivenInvestorThe ultimate list of Web Scraping tools and softwareBy Ida Jessie Sagina, Scrapeworks.Sep 18, 2018Sep 18, 2018
Published inTDS ArchiveWhy go large with Data for Deep Learning?Eating a bowl of noodles has never been easy for me. Now I don’t blame the chopsticks (yet to learn how to use ’em) but my aversion towards…Apr 24, 20182Apr 24, 20182
Scale Your Cyber security Measures to Match Digitization EffortsThe following article was also published on DZone and you can read it here.Mar 6, 2018Mar 6, 2018
Lessons from a black LabBlack, brown or white — I don’t have a natural affinity towards dogs. That doesn’t mean I give them a scowl or pelt stones when they are 10…Feb 2, 2018Feb 2, 2018
If web crawling helped Google so much, why not for you?The following content was originally published on BigDataMadeSimple and you can read it here too.Jan 3, 2018Jan 3, 2018
The heroic Data Engineer — Lending a Helping Hand to Data Drowned ScientistsA recent Forbes article on the 10 Predictions for AI, Big Data, and Analytics in 2018 states that Data engineer will become the hot new job…Dec 26, 2017Dec 26, 2017
Get on board the Digital Transformation Ship with data backed strategyThis article was also featured on DZone and can be read here.Sep 7, 2017Sep 7, 2017